Intre timp, am gasit asta CNCul de la ZEN Toolworks. Costul ar fi de $330 + 60 transport, adaugand si TVA ar iesi la 1450 RON (daca nu se mai pun si taxe vamale). Investitia este foarte mare si pentru mine, dar sunt oarecum tentat spre cumpararea unui kit pentru ca m-ar scuti de alergatura pe care altfel nu as avea timp sa o fac.
Cum vi se pare masina? Intreb din orice punct de vedere, de la gneral la detalii pentru ca nu ma pricep prea mult. Daca ar fi sa ma apuc sa fac singur, iese ceva concret semnificativ mai ieftin? Ma astept sa mi se ceara si taxe vamale in afara de TVA?
Masina mai are nevoie de drivere si freza. Dispun de ambele(L297 + L298 cumparate mai de mult, 12V dintr-o sursa de PC, freza PROXXON). Deci in principiu ar mai fi nevoie doar de frezele pentru gravat, burghie etc.
Am gasit si un link care arata asamblarea, asta ar trebui sa dea mai repede detalii celor cunoscatori in legatura cu componentele folosite.
Apreciez mult orice ajutor imi puteti da.
Mai jos pun descrierea de pe amazon:
7(X) x 7(Y) x 2(Z) inches travel capacity
PVC Frame, Steel guide rods and precision linear bearings provide maximum accuracy and rigidity
New Nema 17 Stepper Motor included, 2 Phase, 4 Wires, 1.3A
M8 x 1.25 Stainless Steel Lead Screws with ball bearng end support
Effective backlash elimination with brass Anti-Backlash Lead Screw nuts
Product Description
NOT INCLUDED - This is just the CNC machine with motors. You will need a 3 Axis Stepper Motor Driver to manage each motor, a spindle/cutter (a Dremel would work) and a DC power supply for the driver. You will also need a computer with a standard printer port and CNC software. - You will also need a way to mount and secure the spindle/cutter tightly to the Z-axis plate on the machine. We offer a Spindle Kit complete with a mounting frame for this machine. We also offer a 3 Axis Stepper Motor Driver that we use with our CNC systems.
You can see some video demos of this machine in action. Just go to YouTube and search for "Zen Toolworks CNC"
You are looking at a DIY kit of a CNC carving machine. Now you can build your very own CNC carving machine to do relief carving, letter cutting, inlay and all other interesting features to enhance your woodworking, PCB or other projects.
The body of the machine is constructed with high density PVC boards. Steel guid rod, linear bearing and stainless steel lead screws are used to construct the moving parts. The anti-backlash brass nut design will virtually eliminate all backlashes. New Nema 17 motors(2 phases, 1.3A, 4 leads) for all three axis are also included. The install is very easy, if you have a bench vise and a power screw driver, that will really help. Install instruction CD is included in the package. Assembling the CNC is very fun and only takes around 3-4 hours to complete. You will be amazed by what can be achieved by this machine. Finally, you can build and own your very own CNC machine for a price that's within your budget!