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Piese Arduino (senzori , shield etc)

#31 Useril este offline   FlorinAUI 

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  • Postari: 33
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Postat 28 November 2015 - 03:34 PM


#32 Useril este offline   FlorinAUI 

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Postat 04 December 2015 - 07:53 PM


#33 Useril este offline   FlorinAUI 

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Postat 07 January 2016 - 07:31 PM

Produse disponibile momentan :

Galerie poze =>>

Pozele sunt 100% reale , fig nr ..... este asociat cu numarul din lista.
Pretul afisat in lista este per bucata , cantitatea afisata reprezinta stocul actual.

ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1 buc - 100ron
Arduino UNO Leonardo - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino NANO - 1 buc - 30 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Digital - 1 buc - 10 ron
GY-61 Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Analog - 1 buc - 10 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4 buc - 8 ron
RTC Module DS3231 - 4 buc - 10 ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 2 buc - 28 ron
Yellow Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Tastatura 4x4 - 2 buc - 12 ron
4 Relay module - 3 buc - 25 ron
2 Relay module - 5 buc - 15 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 2 buc - 10 ron
Light sensor - 3 buc - 10 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 1 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 3 buc M-M - 1 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 4 buc - 10 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 20 buc - 2 ron buc
Carduri RFID - 10 buc - 3 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 3 buc - 10 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 1 buc - 25 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 1 buc - 10 ron
XBee master and slave module - 1 buc - 35 ron
RFID - RC552 - 1 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 3 buc - 10 ron
Raindrop sensor - 1 buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module - 1 buc - 30 ron
DC 2.1MM power plug 9V battery snap - 4 buc - 5 ron (mufa alimentare de la baterie 9V)
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 - 4 buc - 10 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 2 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 2 buc - 18 ron
MB-102 Breadboard power module - 1 buc - 12 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 1 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
16 Key Membrane Keyboard - 2 buc - 10 ron
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module - 2 buc - 20 ron
Knock Sensor Module - 3 buc - 12 ron
Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor - 1 buc - 12 ron
Acrylic Clear Box for Arduino Uno R3 - 2 buc - 25 ron
Laser beam module - 1 buc - 8 ron
Touch button sensor - 1 buc - 8 ron
7 Segment 4 Digit common anode red LED digital display - 2 buc - 7 ron
Dot Matrix LED Display DIY MAX7219 - 1 buc - 15 ron ( ATENTIE - vine KIT DIY toate componentele trebuiesc lipite pe placa de voi) Vezi galeria de poze
Electronic RFID Door access ( placa gata de montat pe perete cu tastatura + 10 taguri) - 1 buc - 65 ron
Display LCD HD44780 , 1602 16x2 Blue - 2 buc - 16 ron
1m NTC Thermistor accuracy temperature sensor 10K 1% 3950 Waterproof Probe - 2 buc - 8 ron
Rotary Encoder Module Brick Sensor - 2 buc - 10 ron
4x4 Matrix hard case keyboard - 1 buc - 25 ron
JoyStick Keypad Shield PS2 Gamepads for Arduino nRF24L01 Nokia 5110 LCD I2C - 1 buc - 30 ron
2.4" TFT LCD Shield Socket Touch Panel Module - 1 buc - 40 ron

Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin

Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 15 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
O comanda mai mare de 150 ron transportul este gratuit prin Posta Romana


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